Week 2 Begins without a Hitch


Hey there again! Week two at Ohio Northern has come and go without a hitch. Classes are in full swing, and I am already tuckered out. Honestly though, it’s exciting to be back in the groove of schoolwork and the social life that comes with college living. As far as classes go, I am getting started on my senior thesis Capstone Project where I will be tracing the history of the past 30 years to find out where we are and where we will go. In athletic news, The Polar Bears of ONU are making a trek this Saturday to Michigan to face off against ranked 16 opponent Alma College. It’s a big game to start the season, but I believe the Polar Bears have what it takes to shutdown the Scots. Finally, In work news, Tavern 101 is a bipolar restaurant in the fact that it is either super busy packed or a lifeless restaurant with amazing pancakes. Though this is the case, I find that the crazy moments make me appreciate the days we are dead, and the dead days make me appreciate when we are packed to the gills. It’s a cruel cycle of appreciation that leaves me dog tired every day I work.



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