Chapter 12 Blog

 Chapter 12 right after chapter 1, that means whoever wrote the textbook was just about as scatter-brained as I am. All joking aside I must admit, this is my first blog that I have regularly kept up with, which isn’t saying much since it is only week 2. Through the textbook I am learning a great many things I don’t think I even really thought about before.

 I thought Chapter 12 was interesting, it talked of blogs and their history, a bit about other social media like podcasts and vlogs, though I was shocked to learn that blogs were very popular even back in the 1990’s and that 77% of users of the internet read blogs.

 Yet, I was not shocked that the most blogged about topic is fashion given that everyone wants to look good, and the people that do look good are kind enough to share that information with the rest of us.


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